Multi Vendor Marketplace

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89% of the Businesses that present in Multi-vendor Marketplaces are successfully able to retain the clients well.

It is also anticipated that sales through eCommerce solution to reach $4.5 Trillion by 2021.

Looking at the growth, current trends and consumer satisfaction ratio there will be high rise in the sector in upcoming years.

Multi-Vendor Marketplace Solution to Take Your Ecommerce Business Next level

Multi-fold features of Marketplace Solution –

  • Complete Omni channel solution
  • Customizable and scalable
  • Fully tested and ready to go-live
  • Multiple payment gateways
  • Social media friendly
  • Integrated Analytics and SEO friendly
  • Easy to manage admin and vendor panel

Simplex Infocom offers personally-tailored, power-pack, Marketplace solution perfectly suitable for your business needs be it Hyperlocal or Generic, Retail or Wholesale, Rental or Booking or on-demand services.

Watch our video to know more about Simplex Commerz feature-rich Multi-vendor Marketplace Script and Solution that helps to level-up sales and revenue.

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